2006 CapTexTri
My First Triathlon I did it! All in all, it was way way easier than I thought it would be. I'm extremely happy with my results. I had three categories of goals: good, better and best. I did the "better" time for my swim and "best" time for both run and bike. Yay!! My transitions were a little long, but I had a long way to go to get to and from the bike in/out so I wasn't surprised. My final results: Swim 11:10.3 - pace 2:48/M (78th out of 210 men and women) T1 5:14 Bike 24:26.8 - pace 15.2 mph (108th out of 210) T2 4:09 Run 36:41 - pace 11:45/mi (150th out of 210) Total time: 1:21:42 (122nd out of 210) Pre-Race We got on the road a little later than I would have liked. In the end that was fine because they started my swim wave later than originally scheduled. We found some free parking, although it was a bit of a walk and headed for body marking. My race number was written on both upper arms, both hands, and both thighs. My age (at the end of t...