2006 Rogue Women’s Triathlon

I had a good race today at the Rogue Women's Tri! Here's the short version: I kicked ass on the swim, was a little too conservative on the bike, but had a really good run. My transitions were fast and smooth, there were no major mishaps and I felt great afterward. Pre-Race Once again, my day began at 5 AM. Usually I have the "What the hell am I thinking?" line going through my head at 5 AM in the morning before a race. Usually that voice goes away while I'm getting ready. This morning it didn't go away for a long long time (just about until I hit the water at the start of the race). We arrived at the site a little later than I had wanted. We parked and I found a place in transition to rack my bike (though slots were filling up fast). I set up my stuff and then headed out to get body marked. After being marked upon, we waited in the long line at the port-a-potties, then I got my timing chip. After that, I took a quick dip in the water in an attempt to w...