2009 IBM Uptown Classic 10k Race Report
This year was not quite what I had envisioned my triathlon season would be like. I figured I'd be out last year, being pregnant and then a new mom, and then I'd be right back in this year. Ha ha ha. The realities of being a mom... Not only is my training time much much more limited, races are a lot more difficult logistically and my body just isn't the same as it was before. Two years ago I raced the IBM Uptown Classic 10k. It was a few weeks after Longhorn Half Ironman and I thought it would be a good race to get me back into the swing of things after some time off after my big race. Also, I figured it would be easy. We were trying to get pregnant, but it was early on and I thought we had missed our window of opportunity (about a week after Longhorn). So I ran the race. I never wrote up a race report because I had such a bad race. I felt crappy, never found my stride, felt a lot of nausea and just really didn't feel like myself. About halfway through I realized it ...