2009 1500 Meter open water swim
After last week's disappointing swim at the Rookie triathlon, I was hoping to redeem myself at the Red Licorice 1500 Meter open water swim event today. They have these open water swims with varying distances every month during the summer at Quarry Lake. I missed last month because I was sick (and Emmaline was up half the night as well) and the organizers were considerate enough to transfer my registration to this month. I haven't decided if I'm going to race next month. The race was at noon, which is awesome! It was nice not having to get up before dawn. Plus this time works out really well with Emmaline's nap schedule. They had an open water clinic at 11 before the race, but obviously I don't need that so we arrived around 11:30. At around 11:50 I went for a warm up swim. The water temperature was really warm - around 79-80. Not wetsuit legal, but there were some people wearing wetsuits anyway. I finished warming up and the race began. I had to swim two 750 met...