
Showing posts from May, 2010

2010 Skeese Greets Women's Triathlon Race Report

I had a really great race yesterday at the Skeese Greets Women's Triathlon. In fact, I think I'm going to have to make sure it's on my race calendar next year. My goals were fairly loose. Really, I just wanted to be faster than last year at The Rookie Triathlon (same course, different event) which was 1:20:06. I was thinking 1:15 would be nice. Roger thought I should be able to beat 1:10. My final time beat all those goals with 1:08:47! Pre-Race 4:45 AM is too early. But that's just how it goes. We had gotten most things ready the night before so we were able to get ready and hop in the car to head down to the race (about an hour drive). We arrived, I got set up, waiting forever in the port-a-potty line and then it was time for the race to start. Swim I was in the second wave. Michelle Garel and I started right next to each other each of us joking with the other about drafting off the other. As it happened, we spent most of the swim next to each other. I knew in t...