
Showing posts from February, 2011

2011 Livestrong Austin Half Marathon Race Report

The idea was to wake up at 4:30, leave by 5:30 and arrive at the race around 6 for a 7 AM start. Things didn't work that way. When I got up at 4:30, Emmaline woke up and I spent until 5:30 getting her settled again. So I raced through getting ready and was out the door by 5:50. I arrived and sat in a small traffic jam, parked and walked to the race site. As I was parking, I realized I needed to go to the bathroom. Badly. I saw a bank of port a potties, but there weren't many and there was a LONG line. Thinking there would be many many more closer to the start (I mean, this was a race with 20,000 people) I headed for the start. Boy was I wrong. There were not many more than those I saw before, but there were gobs more people. So I waited. And waited. I probably waited about 40 minutes in the line before it was my turn. By the time I completed my business in the port a potty it was 7:10. The race had started 10 minutes earlier. It wasn't a big deal, really, though so I jo...