HITS Marble Falls Half Ironman race report

Pre-Race Roger and I drove to Marble Falls the day before the race, picked up my packet, attended a pre-race meeting, racked my bike and checked in to our hotel. I don’t ordinarily attend pre-race meetings, but since this one was going to have two separate transition areas, I wanted to make sure I understood all the logistics before the race. Race morning we headed over to T2 first where I dumped my run stuff, then Roger took me back over to the swim start/T1. I thought for a moment that I had left my bike computer in my bag at T2 and had a momentary freak out because I didn’t think there was going to be time to get back over there. However, everything ended up being okay as the night before I apparently had been worried that future me would forget it (and I did) and so I put it in another bag I knew was headed for T1/swim start. Whew. I did manage to leave my body glide, however. Thankfully I spotted Karen and asked her if I could use some of hers on my neck for my wetsuit (...