2014 CapTexTri Race Report

Pre-Race I had really mixed feelings headed into this race. I was just coming off Marble Falls half a few weeks before and I honestly didn’t train overly much in the weeks between, so mentally, I felt uncertain about where I might be. However, in the workouts the week leading up to the race, I felt really strong so I thought maybe I could have a good race. I didn’t have any specific goals other than swim, bike and run splits faster than the same race the year before. Unfortunately, the weather was looking iffy and I couldn’t help but think about CapTexTri from 2007 which was completely rained out before it was even underway. Race morning dawned with light rain and I obsessively checked social media to find out what was going to happen, sort of hoping for an hour delay so I could get a little more sleep. But the rain seemed to clear and the race was on so I headed off to the race site. I got all my stuff set up and headed over to the swim entrance to wait for an hour and twenty minut...