Creating Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
This post shares a different kind of journey. While I wanted this blog to primarily focus on my travels and races (which have, on occasion, overlapped) I really wanted to write an entry about the crazy journey of making my Princess Zelda costume (or cosplay, if you will). I began work on the costume in February of 2015 and completed it around September 2015. I don't actually know how many hours I put into it total. At the same time I was also constructing a Navi costume for Emmaline and a Link costume for Roger, though those costumes were much less complicated and time intensive. Research I used a rendering online that I found that had a nice amount of detail of the costume. Unfortunately, it was hard to tell what was going in in the back of the costumes. For these details, I looked at other cosplayers designs, screenshots of the game itself as well as official Nintendo-release figurines. In cases where official Nintendo renderings and figurines contradicted themselves in cert...