2019 CapTexTri Race Report
Pre-Pre-Race It’s been two years since I raced a triathlon. As my athletic pursuits have moved in other directions, I have had less time and training bandwidth for triathlon. In addition, I’ve had a variety of health-related reasons I haven’t raced. Several years ago, I started having issues with my knee and after various consultations with an orthopedist, realized that it’s just not going to get better. So I’m really not running much at all. Then, after signing up for the Sprint distance of CapTex last year, I broke my foot about a month before the race so I deferred to this year’s race. Then this year, exactly five weeks prior to race day, I had surgery to remove a cluster of potentially pre-cancerous cells from my breast. Needless to say, I didn’t do much in the way of running or swimming prior to the race and before that, I really hadn’t been running much since having foot surgery in December for the aforementioned fracture (and knee business). I last swam in January of...