2007 Texas Roundup 10k
I'm so proud of where I am as a runner these days. I really never thought I would be able to run as fast as I did yesterday. It was a tougher course than I was mentally prepared for and there were several times where I really had to put mind over matter and just push through. The end result was that I made my aggressive goal. I really wanted to come in under 1 hour and I did. The time on my GPS when I stopped it read 59:01 and my official chip time was even better at 58:44. (There are always a few seconds of disorientation on my part at the end of a race where I remember to hit the stop button.) Roger also set a personal best in the 5k yesterday, so I'm pleased for him as well. My splits definitely reflect the course, but I'm pleased that even with a HUGE uphill for the entire second mile, I kept pretty well on pace. When I was between mile markers 2 and 3, I seriously thought the hill would never end (heading southbound on South Congress between Riverside and Oltorf ...