2007 Texas Roundup 10k

I'm so proud of where I am as a runner these days. I really never thought I would be able to run as fast as I did yesterday. It was a tougher course than I was mentally prepared for and there were several times where I really had to put mind over matter and just push through.

The end result was that I made my aggressive goal. I really wanted to come in under 1 hour and I did. The time on my GPS when I stopped it read 59:01 and my official chip time was even better at 58:44. (There are always a few seconds of disorientation on my part at the end of a race where I remember to hit the stop button.)

Roger also set a personal best in the 5k yesterday, so I'm pleased for him as well.

My splits definitely reflect the course, but I'm pleased that even with a HUGE uphill for the entire second mile, I kept pretty well on pace. When I was between mile markers 2 and 3, I seriously thought the hill would never end (heading southbound on South Congress between Riverside and Oltorf for you Austin folks). Mile 5 had a couple of uphill sections (7th and Lavaca was icky) and mile 6 was mostly flat but had one super duper killer steep hill (southbound San Jacinto between 15th and 11th). When I finally saw the finish line, we had a nice super fast downhill and I picked it up and let the hill carry me into the finish, running faster than I think I've ever run before. Roger was there cheering for me and I was so happy to be done!

My splits:

Mile 1 - 9:07 (mostly flat with some slight downhill)
Mile 2 - 10:03 (the entire mile was a hill and I'm not exaggerating)
Mile 3 - 9:26
Mile 4 - 8:59 (a lot of downhill in this mile)
Mile 5 - 10:06 (more uphill)
Mile 6 - 10:05 (mostly flat with one killer, super steep uphill)
Last .2 - 1:10 (6:41/mi pace according to my GPS, probably faster since I didn't hit the stop for 15 seconds or so)

Final time - 58:44 - 9:29/mi pace - 37/68 in age group


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