2007 Jack's Generic Triathlon
This was my first time this year racing the same course as a race I did last year. I ended up doing really well and came in nearly 10 minutes faster than my time last year. The only place I would have liked to have done better was on my bike. The bike is someplace I really feel like I should have improved upon more than I have. I'm not really sure what to do about that - I guess just keep training. Pre-Race We got up at 4:15 because Roger had to be at the race site by 6:00 for his volunteer duties (on the bike course). We arrived right at 6 AM and Roger headed to the volunteer tent while I got my stuff together. Being so early meant that I had my pick of transition area, but it also meant that there was a lot of waiting around. Swim I started at the front for the swim, as is my custom these days. The first 100 meters or so were pretty brutal. There were a lot of really strong women and we weren't thinning out. Finally, as we made the first turn, a girl that I was s...