2007 Jack's Generic Triathlon

This was my first time this year racing the same course as a race I did last year. I ended up doing really well and came in nearly 10 minutes faster than my time last year. The only place I would have liked to have done better was on my bike. The bike is someplace I really feel like I should have improved upon more than I have. I'm not really sure what to do about that - I guess just keep training. 


We got up at 4:15 because Roger had to be at the race site by 6:00 for his volunteer duties (on the bike course). We arrived right at 6 AM and Roger headed to the volunteer tent while I got my stuff together. Being so early meant that I had my pick of transition area, but it also meant that there was a lot of waiting around. 


I started at the front for the swim, as is my custom these days. The first 100 meters or so were pretty brutal. There were a lot of really strong women and we weren't thinning out. Finally, as we made the first turn, a girl that I was swimming pretty close to swam away. I started to follow in her direction, then I realized that she was cutting the corner - there was another buoy we needed to head to first before heading back to shore. Each time I sighted I saw her getting further and further away. I kept thinking that any minute she'd realize her mistake and head back, but she never did. Was it intentional or did she really not see the far buoy. Annoyed I kept swimming and didn't really see anyone else in a white cap ahead of me. I finally made the turnaround and tried to navigate and extremely large group of girls breast-stroking and back-stroking from the wave ahead of me. They were in clumps and I got really annoyed trying to get through them. I tried to remind myself that I didn't used to be the swimmer I am and did my share of breast-stroking in triathlon, but then I got a hard kick in the arm by a girl breast-stroking as I tried to get by and the thought quickly went back to annoyance that the breast-stroke kick takes up way more room. I was surprised on the official results that I was 5th in my age group out of the water. I don't know what happened to those other ladies - they must have really flown ahead and I didn't see them. 


I headed into transition which was much bigger than last year so I had a little further to go. I threw down my cap and goggles, grabbed my sunglasses and helmet and pulled my bike off the rack. I headed for the bike mount line without my usual feeling of being ready to pass out. It was a pleasant change. 


I really wanted a strong bike. I really wanted to hammer it hard. I thought I did! In fact, I pushed so hard on the bike that I rode as if I didn't have a run after it. It's the hills that kill me. I can fly past someone on a flat or even a downhill, but going up hill, I get passed like I'm sitting still. It's so frustrating. On the up side, the hills didn't seem nearly as difficult mentally as I remember them and the last killer hill didn't seem quite as killer. It was slightly breezy, but there was no horrible wind. I'm just sort of frustrated that my bike was only about a minute and a half faster than last year. What gives? 


I know the socks slow me down, but I tried running without them and I hated every minute of it so the socks stay. I racked my bike, put on my socks and shoes, took off my helmet and grabbed my race number and visor. I never know if I'm going to grab the visor or not, but the sun had just come out. 


I went into the run showing an hour total on my watch. I wanted about an hour and half overall time with a 30 minute run. I was right on course. Why does the run always feel so much longer than it actually is? I felt like heading out on the out and back course took forever. In reality, forever was just about 15 minutes. I was still on target. Yay! The way back was a little easier because it was mostly downhill and it definitely seemed faster than the way out. As I was coming in, I tried to kick it up for a finishing sprint. A guy passed me and I heard someone say "Don't let him get away! Go catch up!" I tried to pick it up, but I literally had nothing left.

Official stats:
500 meter swim - 9:09.8 1:50/M 5 out of 72 in age group, 108 out of 724 overall
T1 1:41
14.8 mile bike - 49:04.4 18.1 mph 18/72 in age group, 350/724 overall
T2 1:44
3 mile run 29:47.0 9:56/mi 37/72 in age group, 479/724 overall
total time 1:31:31 21 out of 72 in age group, 100 out of 319 women, 374 out of 724 overall
(The overall time is slightly off - only 6 seconds over, but still, that's some interesting math.)

Comparison to last year:

500 M swim
2006 - 11:06 (2:13/M)
2007 - 9:09 (1:50/M)  -1:57 difference

2006 - 2:42
2007 - 1:41  -1:01 difference

14.8 mile bike
2006 - 50:41 (17.5 mph)
2007- 49:04 (18.1 mph)  -1:37 difference

2006 - 1:51
2007 - 1:44  -0:07 difference

3 mile run
2006 - 34:48 (11:36/mi)
2007 - 29:47 (9:56/mi)  -5:01 difference

total time
2006 - 1:41:10
2007 - 1:31:31  -9:39 difference


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