
Showing posts from 2010

2010 IBM 10k and Donkey Dash 5k race reports

This is a long overdue race report for two recent running races. I started writing this, actually, right after the IBM 10k, but then I started writing something else timely and then I didn't finish that other entry because I was writing something else, etc. Things just kept coming up. Anyway... IBM 10k  This year was the third time I've run the IBM 10k. The first time I ran it was in October 2007, not long after I was (unknowingly) pregnant. Granted, I wasn't very pregnant, but I was already feeling tired and nauseated and had a crappy race. I thought I was still recovering from the Longhorn Half Ironman and maybe that was part of it. I never wrote a race report because I was so ashamed of my 1:03:42 time. Ha! Perspective! So then the following year (2008) Emmaline was born and I didn't run it because it was too soon, but I did run it last year. And 2009 me laughed at 2007 me for thinking 1:03:42 was a bad time. I ran it in 1:06:47 and again, didn't write a rac...

2010 Austin Triathlon

Ever since I had an incredibly good race at The Austin Triathlon in 2007, I've been wanting to go back and take another crack at it. All things considered, everything went very well today and I had a good race. It's really really hard to compare my performance now to that of three years ago and not be a twinge disappointed. It was basically the same course (slightly different run) and I was about 15 minutes faster overall three years ago. I was training for a half Ironman at the time, though and I was super in shape and just had a crazy good day that day. What can you do? For where I am now as an athlete (and a mom) I'm really happy with my race this year. Pre-Race I got up early and headed down to the race site and Roger and Emmaline slept in a bit and came down later and met up with me. I arrived a few minutes later than I wanted and then left my wetsuit in the car so I had to run back (luckily I hadn't made it too far from the car). When I arrived I had about 20 m...

2010 Lake Pflugerville Triathlon Race Report

Pre-Race I was excited to race the Pflugerville Triathlon again this year. I did it in 2007 (which I think was the first year) and it was a good race. Nice and small (500 people) which I definitely like. We planned out when we would arrive based on the time transition would be closing, which, according to the race packet was 7:15. So we arrived, parked, headed to transition and just as I arrived, they announced transition was closing in 10 minutes at 7 AM! I went into panic mode, racing around trying to get everything done. I'm usually on auto-pilot and can get everything done efficiently and quickly, but things just weren't going well and I was goofing everything up. Add to that the fact that my rear wheel was practically flat when Roger went to put my bike on the car. It had been fully inflated the night before. My race wheels are tubulars so it isn't like I can just change out the tube quickly. We pumped it up and took the bike pump to transition (which I never do)....

2010 Skeese Greets Women's Triathlon Race Report

I had a really great race yesterday at the Skeese Greets Women's Triathlon. In fact, I think I'm going to have to make sure it's on my race calendar next year. My goals were fairly loose. Really, I just wanted to be faster than last year at The Rookie Triathlon (same course, different event) which was 1:20:06. I was thinking 1:15 would be nice. Roger thought I should be able to beat 1:10. My final time beat all those goals with 1:08:47! Pre-Race 4:45 AM is too early. But that's just how it goes. We had gotten most things ready the night before so we were able to get ready and hop in the car to head down to the race (about an hour drive). We arrived, I got set up, waiting forever in the port-a-potty line and then it was time for the race to start. Swim I was in the second wave. Michelle Garel and I started right next to each other each of us joking with the other about drafting off the other. As it happened, we spent most of the swim next to each other. I knew in t...

2010 Texas Roundup 10k Race Report

Yesterday I ran the Texas Roundup 10k. I signed up for it for several reasons. First, I just really like the 10k distance and they're just not as common as 5k races. I also had a really good race 3 years ago when I did it and so I thought I'd go back. When we did it three years ago, it wasn't a HUGE race. It was big enough, but it wasn't ginormous. Also, they have a 5k course and Roger could push Emmaline in the jogger for that distance at the same time. So we signed up. I had a goal of 1:05. Three years ago my goal was one hour and I came in at 58:44 which is pretty close to my 10k PR (58:06). I had a really great race and felt really good three years ago. (Here's my race report.) We arrived about 30 min early, parked easily, walked to the race site, let Emmaline run around a bit, used the port-a-potties and then tried to find someplace to start. Roger was running untimed with the jogger so he started further back. I tried to weave my way up, but it was pretty ...

A long weekend on the Texas coast - Day 4

Texas State Aquarium and the Drive Home Emmaline generally gets up around 7 AM which is good and bad. It's good in the sense that we can get all kinds of things done in the morning. But, it's a bummer that we basically don't get to sleep in. Ah well. We got up, finished packing, checked out and headed into Corpus Christi for breakfast. We ate at a little country kitchen type place. We both enjoyed some eggs with all the fixins while Emmaline pointed at the toy trains that ran around the entire perimeter or the restaurant above our heads. Each time one came out, she pointed and signed train. It was fabulous toddler entertainment! After breakfast, we went to the Texas State Aquarium. We saw all sort of fish, turtles, river otters and some dolphins. Emmaline wasn't quite as into it as we thought she would be. She's generally really into fish, but I think some of them were a little big for her. They did have a really nice, large playground there and we took her ther...

A long weekend on the Texas coast - Day 3

Port Aransas and Back to the Beach In the morning, we headed north for the 20 minute drive to Port Aransas to see what that area looks like. On the drive up, we turned down a beach access road for a quick look at the beach. It was pretty empty, but a pretty beach, stretching on in both directions. There were a couple of cars, including a turtle patrol truck (looking for endangered sea turtles to protect).  Once in Port Aransas, we wandered around a huge souvenir shop and then walked around a dock a bit and looked at ducks and boats, then we were going to take a ferry, but on the way, we spotted a playscape that looked fun. We spent most of the rest of the morning at the playscape, letting Emmaline run around. We had lunch in Port Aransas at a Mexican restaurant before we headed back to Corpus Christi where we stopped and picked up some coffee before getting Emmaline down for nap. During nap, Roger went for a run along the beach while I goofed around on the computer. After nap...

A long weekend on the Texas coast - Day 2

Birds and Beach The morning was a little cool and overcast, so it wasn't really good beach weather. One of Emmaline's favorite words is "bird" (BUR!) so we started the morning by heading to a wildlife preserve that is a spot for migratory birds. She enjoyed the walk around the area and pointed at a lot of birds. We saw a couple kinds of gulls, some egrets and some assorted ducks and waterfowl. We walked about a mile and a half and at one point along the trail there was a cute little playscape that she played on a bit.  After that, we decided to head towards Corpus Christi to a little shopping area to do a little window shopping and have some coffee. On the way, we saw a HUGE (enormous, gigantic) play scape. So we pulled over and let Emmaline play for awhile. She had a really good time and it was a really neat area by the ocean. After playing, we got back in the car and headed for the shopping area. Everything was closed except the coffee shop so we hung out a...

A long weekend on the Texas coast - Day 1

Driving to Corpus Christi The drive from Austin to North Padre Island in Corpus Christi is about 3.5 hours. The plan was to get Emmaline asleep for nap, wait until she had a little bit of nap, then move her gently into the car and take off with her sleeping for the first half of the journey. Unfortunately, she woke up when we moved her into the car and never went back to sleep. So we were headed for a nearly 4 hour car ride with a toddler that had abut 45 minute of nap. Sounds like a recipe for disaster but actually, she did really well. For the first part of the journey, Roger drove and I sat in the back seat with Emmaline and we played. We had some toys that were brand new, just for the trip. We made a couple of stops for her to get out and run around. For one of them, we stopped in the middle of nowhere at a Wal-Mart and let her run through the toy aisle and try out some of the toys. They also had a little car ride thing out front and we pumped a couple of quarters into it. ...