10-Night France, Iceland, and Norway Cruise - Day 11 At Sea
At Sea
Here we go again. Another round of laundry. Why, you may be wondering, did you do so much laundry? Well, we packed six days of clothes, but we need to stick to sort of a sea day schedule which meant we needed to do laundry on those days, plus the laundry machines just don’t hold much so we were either going to have to do multiple loads on one day or smaller loads every few days and we took the latter approach, mostly because it was just easier to do the load when our little bag was full, but also because we could really only get one machine at a time, even with me getting up at 7 AM to get it done. I usually had to go to multiple laundry rooms to find an open machine. About those growing pains on the Dream…
So I started the load, went and had a light snack, went back and moved the load to the dryer and went to the gym, at which point Roger took over. It was a system that ended up working well. I actually think this was our last load and I managed to do two that morning. I can’t believe I found two machines open! Yes, I did practice BODYCOMBAT again. The gym was also less busy. I think as the cruise progressed people were just more and more tired and sleeping in.
We decided to avoid the aforementioned crush of people in Cabana’s and have sit down breakfast at Royal Palace. It wasn’t busy at all and we had a nice breakfast. After that we worked on the scavenger hunt and Emmaline came along with us. Along the way she met Daisy and Donald who were meeting together, which is always fun. We returned to the room to regroup and relax before finding a spot in the atrium to enjoy Jack Jack’s Incredible Diaper Dash. We always love the diaper dash (people bring their crawling babies to race) and we were so happy to see it on the schedule as we hadn’t seen it since before Covid. Regrettably, only two babies were there for the race and only one of them felt like racing. The other just sat at the starting line and cried. Ah well.
We went and had lunch and then worked some more on the scavenger hunt before going to see a matinee performance of Beauty and the Beast (one of the three main live shows in the Walt Disney Theatre). We had planned to catch the matinee and then go see Haunted Mansion after dinner instead. It seems like a lot of people had the same idea because the place was packed. Luckily we had gotten there early and had good seats. We enjoyed the show a lot, despite seeing it the year before.
We went back to the room for a few minutes before it was time for the ice cream social, organized by yours truly. I participated in an ice cream toppings pot luck last year on the Fantasy and it was a runaway success so I decided to borrow the idea and organize one for our cruise. Everyone had a great time putting on all the toppings and meeting each other again.
After that I went to another drawing class. This time Pluto. I was pretty excited to for Pluto since I had never drawn him before. I think he came out pretty good! His mouth was maybe a little big/poofy. Ah well, just for fun, right? After drawing class I returned to the room and we regrouped before dinner, this time in Royal Palace. It was semi-formal night so we took a couple photos in the Atrium.
After dinner, we went early to the Buena Vista Theatre to watch Haunted Mansion which had premiered onboard on Thursday night at midnight (nope) but they had lots of other showings. Still, it was jam packed. Being a big fan of the ride, I braced myself and was pleasantly surprised. It was a super fun movie. It had some thrills, some laughs, and some tears.
After that it was time for bed.
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