5-night DCL Bahamas cruise + WDW: A 25th Anniversary Celebration - Day 7 - Castaway Cay
Castaway Cay
Roger and I both got up around 7:15, got dressed and he disembarked to run the Castaway Cay 5k and I went to the gym, which was pretty empty so I had some space to do some strength training. While I was working out I got a notification that our parasailing excursion had been cancelled due to weather. Again. This was our third attempt and it's been cancelled every time. I've done it with my mom years ago, but Emmaline has been wanting to go. We decided to spend a day onboard and enjoy an empty ship with everyone at the beach. The weather was sunny and nice, but Roger did say it was a bit windy.
We showered and ate breakfast before catching the 10:30 AM showing of Moana 2. It was actually quite good! When the movie was done we went to Cabanas for lunch and found it full of people! During the movie it had started to rain and many people came back to the ship. Well, there goes our chill crowd-free day on the ship. It was probably for the best because they ended up adding a ton of activities to the schedule so we had a lot more to choose from.
After lunch, Roger returned to the room for a rest while Emmaline and I went to origami. We ended up making a star for the actual official activity and then we did a box, which the entertainment CM showed us while running a craft in the next time block. It was sort of a DIY craft so she was able to run both. She told us she just really loves origami and loves showing people how to do it. I liked the box a little better, I think.
After that, I met up with Roger for coffee and I think Emmaline went to Vibe because after coffee we went to make a coozie in O'Gills (adults only), which ended up just being a white coozie that they handed us with a bunch of Sharpies that were all the wrong colors for anything anyone wanted.
After that, Roger came with me to draw Minnie Mouse. She's Mickey Mouse with eyelashes and a bow, but it was good to practice. I found an old Minnie I had done a few years ago (new one top, old one below) and I really have come a long way. Practice and repetition really does help!
After that we made a stop off at Guest Services to increase tips for our servers before returning to the room to do some packing. We decided to try our hand at one more trivia: Disney Level 2 trivia. We didn't win. After that we had a snack and returned to the room to regroup. The show for the evening was Believe, which Roger decided to skip so Emmaline and I went. After the show, we went back to the room to finish most of our packing up before we went to watch one last Soul Duo performance and say goodbye to them. We stayed and chatted a bit after their set, which made us a few minutes late to dinner, but we didn't have table mates and our serving team had a big table next to us that they usually were helping out each night when we arrived so it was fine.
We had our final dinner with our amazing team and Roger and I went back to the room to finish up packing and Emmaline went to Vibe to say goodbye to the friends she had made there.
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